On 2012-05-31 9:56 AM, Roberto Riggio wrote:
> On 05/30/2012 04:09 PM, Felix Fietkau wrote:
>> Do you have any call to proto_init_update/proto_send_update in there,
>> similar to what the dhcp script does when it has acquired a lease?
> Hi, thanks for the feedback. I'm making some progresses now. This is the 
> current script:
> #!/bin/sh
> [ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
>          . /etc/functions.sh
>          . ../netifd-proto.sh
>          init_proto "$@"
> }
> proto_wing_init_config() {
>       no_device=1
>       available=1
>          proto_config_add_string "ipaddr"
> }
> proto_wing_teardown() {
>       local config="$1"
>       local link="wing-$config"
>       [ -f "/var/run/$link.pid" ] && {
>               kill -9 $(cat /var/run/$link.pid)
>               rm /var/run/$link.pid
>       }
> }
> proto_wing_setup() {
>       local config="$1"
>       local link="wing-$config"
>       # here I start the routing daemon which creates a TUN interface called 
> $link
>       proto_init_update "$link" 1
>       proto_add_ipv4_address "$ipaddr" "$netmasj"
>       route -n | grep -q '^' || {
>               proto_add_ipv4_route "" 0
>       }
>       proto_send_update "$config"
> }
> [ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
>          add_protocol wing
> }
> I have one major problem. The mesh works correctly if I call ifup mesh 
> AFTER the boot. The problem is that at bootstrap openwrt tries to bring 
> this interface up before the wifi. Is there a way to tell openwrt to 
> bring this interface up after wifi (or after all the other interface are up)
> Could you explain briefly when to use the following constructs:
> - no_device=1, this should be for case where the device is created at 
> run time like a tunnel or my mesh protocol
That means the interface is not bound to a specific device (e.g. eth0,
wlan0, etc.). If a wing instance is bound to one specific wifi device,
you may want to leave out no_device and configure wing like

> - available=1 ???
available=1 means that the interface can be brought up immediately
instead of having to wait for an external trigger (usually only used
together with no_device; if the interface is bound to a device, device
presence controls interface availability).

> - proto_config_add_ ???
Registers config variables that this module is interested in.

> - json_get_var / json_add
Between netifd and the scripts, data is exchanged in json format,
there's a shell library that's being used for that.
In the _setup function you can use
json_get_var <destination_variable> <json_field_name> to get a specific
config parameter that was registered in _init_config.
json_add gets used if you want to build a json string from the shell.
json_init initializes a new message,
you can use json_add_{array,string,table,int,boolean} to add fields.

- Felix
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