Hi Rafał,

On 24 August 2012 23:09, Rafał Miłecki <zaj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (...)
> # head /dev/mtd4 | hexdump -C
> 00000000  73 68 73 71 2b 03 00 00  00 00 00 54 03 00 00 d8  |shsq+......T....|
> (...)
> Can someone explain to me, what does it mean? Is there something wrong
> with my mtdblock4? I don't get anything interesting in dmesg.

The problem is that Broadcom uses its own "squashfs with lzma"-magic.
The standard squashfs magic is "sqsh" or "hsqs" (depending on
endianess), and Broadcom chose to use a different one (since squashfs3
does not support storing the compressor type). There is a patch adding
support for unsquashfs in the repo (so you should be able to just
throw a copy of the image at it), but the in-kernel squashfs only
accepts standard squashfs magics.

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