Dear friends long time i can not solve
per user  mac+ip+DL+UL  reservation

are you able to help me by example command and dependency packages
for OpenWRT

we have about 10 20 user in office and each one has own speed own reserved
ip from OpenWRT
basicaly  OpenWRT received request from MAC automaticalt give reserved IP
from dhcpd
and dedicated DL UL speed limit for it

----- Original Message ----- From: "Oguz Ersoz" <>
To: "Jacek Kikiewicz" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2013 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] qos-scripts Upload speed Download speed per user

Dear Jacek Kikiewicz,
How about only work to do qos-scripts config
DL UL for mac address

include /etc/bandwith.d/*

## example user1
## example config speeds
user1 = AA-AA-AA-AA-AD-25
ip =
DL= 4000Kb
UL= 1000Kb

## example user2
## example config speeds
user1 = AA-AA-AA-AA-AD-26
ip =
DL= 5000Kb
UL= 500Kb

## example user3
## example config speeds
user1 = AA-AA-AA-AA-AD-27
ip =
DL= 5000Kb
UL= 500Kb

My best regards
Oguz Ersoz

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jacek Kikiewicz" <>
To: "Oguz Ersoz" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2013 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] qos-scripts Upload speed Download speed per user


So scope of work seems to be pretty broad, I think it would be really
hard to do this remotely.
Also quite a bit of time is needed and cost for this (at least on my
side) would be pretty high.
So in this case I will pass.

Good luck!

On 05/02/2013 05:37 PM, Oguz Ersoz wrote:

I like to answer your question first
What is the full scope of task?

To make OpenWRT suits best for isp's 100 subscriber node is TPLINK
741ND hardware
To make OpenWRT suits best for isp's 300 subscriber node is TPLINK
2543ND hardware
To put OpenWRT suits best in NAS compatibility list like Mikrotik suits

We use four freeradius server all use this package
With DMA Soft radius-manager software

NAS compatibility

      Functionality Mikrotik Cisco StarOS *Chillispot DD-WRT pfSense
     Authentication / accounting         Hotspot
     Automatic disconnection of expired accounts
     Bandwidth management
     Static IP address
     MAC authentication
     Authentication / accounting          PPPoE
     Automatic disconnection of expired accounts
     Bandwidth management
     Static IP address
     Authentication / accounting           PPtP
     Automatic disconnection of expired accounts
     Bandwidth management
     Static IP address
     Authentication / accounting           L2tP
     Automatic disconnection of expired accounts
     Bandwidth management
     Static IP address
     RADIUS Access List support    **       ACL

When we use Mikrotik RB450G as Radius NAS
only used few functions not the all functions
(Authentiacation user via hotspot or serve user via ppoe-server that
is all)
when user login to mikrotik automaticaly queues entry created DL UL
speed per user
if session lost session automaticaly replaced with the new one
and accounting works fine

Hardware TPLINK 741ND  allready OpenWrt Installed
Same CPU with Mikrotik RB450G
but Nand Flash amount is 4MB only

sftp-server installed
qos-scripts installed
radiusclient-ng installed
pppoe installed

Also TPLINK 2543ND   allready OpenWrt Installed
Same CPU with Mikrotik RB450G
but Nand Flash amount is 8MB only

Now days our hardware team try to change  TPLINK 741ND and  TPLINK
2543ND nand flash amount
to 256MB by changing the chip

But we think there is a way to use OpenWRT + radius client + qos-scripts
becomes is similar device

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jacek Kikiewicz" <>
To: "Oguz Ersoz" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: [OpenWrt-Devel] qos-scripts Upload speed Download speed
per user


Can you be a bit more specific with requirements, please?
Do you have a hardware for this? Does it have openwrt on it already?
What is the full scope of task?


On 05/02/2013 11:29 AM, Oguz Ersoz wrote:
Dear developer friends
we seeking workers for our project
that to use OpenWRT as Radius NAS (like mikrotik)

centeral radius servers 1 2 3 4 .... etc

OpenWRT  node for 100user
radius auth
radius accounting
radius dhcpd
radius ppoe-server
radius hotspot
per user bandwith selection (mac + IP)

we will pay works hour, day, or total  based
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