
On 13 March 2014 18:46, Wandy Lau <xdragon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for your kindness. I have read all these. But I think that is not
> enough. Some more work need to be done.  I need dig deeper. Ok, let me tell
> something:
> Actually I want to know how the hostapd.conf is produced. Because there is
> one option that I am interested, channel. This option resides int the
> /etc/config/wireless.  I just want to know how the channle in wireless is
> piped to hostapd.conf.  And I want do some altercation about this option. At

You can check netifd/wireless.c, /lib/netifd/wireless/mac80211.sh.
Netifd will get needed information with

        ./mac80211.sh '' dump

I am not familiar with netifd and wireless enough, but hope this will
help you in some way.


> the beginning, I thought that the point was the hostapd.sh which resides in
> /lib/wifi/. But it still works after I deleted this file. mac80211.sh which
> also resides in the same directory initiates the system for the first time
> startup. Then I deleted the /sbin/wifi. But the translation from wireless to
> hostapd.conf still works. Then I found the problem maybe was in
> /etc/init.d/network. So I commented all the functions except the
> start_servive() , but everything still was good. Finally I commented the
> start_service and the pipe was cut off. The translation was down as well as
> the system. I know the point might be here. Something related to procd which
> is just a process management application. I am stuck here. I still can't
> figure how the channel translated from wireless to hostapd.conf is achieved.
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