I was looking for a good reference for OpenWRT kernel module development
workflow. I know that it is possible to download the linux kernel, set up
the cross-compile and do all the job messing around the files, however I am
interested if there is a *correct* way of doing driver development.
I've been using Eclipse for most of my embedded designs and search on
Google ended up in this lovely manual:
Since it already sets up the cross-compile stuff, the main issue for me
should be setting up the correct include paths for kernel headers. This
becomes an interesting task. E.g. we have an include from the example here:
http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2013/07/write-linux-kernel-module/ ->

#include <linux/module.h>

However, the current path for the kernel sources is:
including the path ./openwrt/build_dir/target-mips_34kc_uClibc-
would not work, so this requires either renaming the directory, creating a
symlink or using another kernel sources location, which I probably don't
know. I couldn't find a decent and good manual of setting up the

Could you please put me on the correct way of how to start the development
properly, so the driver could be easily implemented into the system?

Thank you.

Tomas Daujotas
openwrt-devel mailing list

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