On 16/07/2014 00:07, Hauke Mehrtens wrote:
> On 07/15/2014 07:06 PM, Bruno Randolf wrote:
>>> Another problem I noted when upgrading from AA to BB on MTX-1:
>>> # sysupgrade -n
>>> /tmp/openwrt-au1000-au1500-jffs2-128k-sysupgrade.bin tar:
>>> openwrt-au1000-au1500-jffs2-128k.fs: not found in archive 
>>> Invalid image contents Image check 'platform_check_image'
>>> failed.
>>> I needed to change in /lib/upgrade/platform.sh: 
>>> ROOTFS_IMG="openwrt-au1000-au1500-root.fs"
>>> In AA the ROOTFS image was called differently, the name in BB
>>> makes more sense, but how could we provide a good upgrade path
>>> from AA to BB?
>>> bruno

Hi Bruno,

au1000 was not updated for BB and as you see there is some work missing.

feel free to send a patch to fix the sysupgrade issue. Once that is
done and if you volunteert to maintain au1000 for BB, then we culd add
it to the list of targets that we build for rc2

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