On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 11:30:24AM +0100, John Crispin wrote:
> > The second one won't be accepted upstream because it is OpenWrt
> > specific, while the first one can and should be sent upstream.
> for trivial stuff we never had a upstream first policy. maybe it was
> decided to put one in place and i missed it. in general it is much
> better to ask people to send it upstream in parallel.
> consider the case where contributor might not know how to do so or runs
> into some other problem. this would result in the feature not hitting
> openwrt.
> personally i merge ask for upstream and when i bump the next time i see
> if it happened or i will do so myself.

Sounds reasonable. Lets give Richard a day or two to reply.

I still need to finish kirkwood 3.18 bump and will put the patch there

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