We have seen several times in the past few months that one non-essential package from feeds fails to build and stops the whole buildbot build. Yesterday it was "ola" from packages feeds, and in the past few months at least "python" from packages and "ltq-vmmc" from telephony have done the same.


It seems crazy to me that non-essential packages from feeds, which by definition are non-essential, can kill the whole buildbot build for a platform.

Normally a failing package gets marked "broken", but the build still continues. However, some packages from feeds seem to kill the whole build when they fail.

As far as I have been able to determine, if the failing package contains either a kernel module (kmod) or a "host section", then the failure of that package is considered so essential that the whole builbot build is halted. The package is not just classified as "broken package", but the whole build is really stopped.

I understand that a host section breakage from a tool, toolchain component or a core package in the main Openwrt repo may be reason enough to halt the build. Same goes for a kmod.

But when that failure happens to a package from e.g. telephony feed, I do not really understand why the whole buildbot build needs to be halted. The more we have packages maintained in Github by a large group of people, the more we will have this kind of accidental breakages by small non-essential packages.

I propose that devs would change the buildbot build failure logic so that the failing packages from the feeds would not kill the whole build. Failing packages from feeds should just me marked as broken. That might require splitting "package compilation" step 25 to two different steps, one for packages from the Openwrt main repo, one for packages from feeds. (or alternatively, the essential packages should contain an ESSENTIAL definition on the Makefile, or something like that, and the failure logic should take that into account.)
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