Il 08.09.2015 20:06 Sami Olmari ha scritto:
Does Dropbeard support ether? I know OpenSSH does, but default
installation does not use that.

I just checked the changelog[1] and I remembered wrong about chacha20.
But it does support curve25519 indeed; it was added along ECDSA:

2013.61test - Thursday 14 November 2013

- ECC (elliptic curve) support. Supports ECDSA hostkeys (requires new keys to
  be generated) and ECDH for setting up encryption keys (no intervention
  required). This is significantly faster.

- support for setting up encryption keys. This is
  another elliptic curve mode with less potential of NSA interference in
  algorithm parameters. curve25519-donna code thanks to Adam Langley

By the way, dropbearkey might not be required anymore, and removing it will
improve CSPRNG security... but that's OT here :)

- -R option to automatically generate hostkeys. This is recommended for
  embedded platforms since it allows the system random number device
  /dev/urandom a longer startup time to generate a secure seed before the
  hostkey is required.


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