On 15/09/2015 20:32, Rüdiger, Christoph wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm quite new to OpenWrt and being faced with an existing build tree here. 
> After reading nearly everything I could force Google to bubble it up to the 
> top result pages, I'm still struggling with a simple question.
> Our build tree is full of custom patches to different packages, mainly in the 
> openwrt/package directory. This makes it close to impossible to update the 
> repository to a new OpenWrt version without producing a good bunch of merge 
> conflicts. Besides that, there is our custom feed with additional packages, 
> mainly with custom built software.
> What I understood so far is, that you can bring in new packages with feeds. 
> But how can I move our changes to the core packages in openwrt/package apart 
> into a per-project structure to keep the openwrt/package folder clean for 
> updates?
> I've worked in the past with ptxdist, where you have a base build system (the 
> ptxdist distribution) with a package repository where you can select packages 
> from. On top of this, you have per project its own directory, containing the 
> project specific build configuration and the project specific packages plus a 
> project specific rootfs overlay. This makes it very easy: Just put a file in 
> the project specific rootfs and this one makes it into the images instead of 
> the default one. Just put a package into the project specific package 
> directory and this one gets build instead of the default one.
> Can someone please help me to find the proper places in OpenWrt to store the 
> per-project settings? Especially the per-project Makefiles (mostly, we are 
> influencing the build process or the package creation process).
> Thank you very much.
> Best regards,
> Christoph


what kind of changes are we talking about ? just config file stuff or
big changes to how stuff is built and installed ?

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