On 01/10/15 11:37, Etienne Champetier wrote:
> Hi,
> 2015-10-01 12:19 GMT+02:00 Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant
> <ke...@darbyshire-bryant.me.uk <mailto:ke...@darbyshire-bryant.me.uk>>:
>     This patch stops SIGHUP from enabling dnssec timechecks if disabled by
>     use of --dnssec-no-timecheck option.  --dnssec-timestamp continues to
>     work correctly.
> I haven't really followed the previous discusion,
> but maybe you can just use another signal?
The user defined signals USR1 & USR2 are already occupied by dnsmasq
with debug/info dump type functions.  Maybe one of the SIGTT* signals
could be repurposed but I don't know how valid a solution that is.

However even if that were done it still doesn't stop a malicious
user/process from sending that new signal and potentially disabling dns
resolution (assuming dnssec is being used & the system time is incorrect)

Ideally some evaluation of threat presented by 'sysfixtime', 'dnssec
timestamp files', 'dnssec no timecheck' and the multi-function
'overloading' of SIGHUP into dnsmasq in the context of dnssec &
correct/incorrect system time should take place and an appropriate,
considered response and solution proposed/implemented.  That person
isn't me ;-)

I personally think that sysfixtime is a necessary evil, but at the very
least at the present moment until a more correct solution is
implemented, it should not be using dnsmasq's timestamp file as a source
time reference on boot.

>     Enabling dnssec timechecks now requires restarting dnsmasq without
>     the --dnssec-no-timecheck configuration option and closes a
>     potential denial of service exploit by sending SIGHUP when system
>     time does not correspond with Internet time.
>     This change may be useful for future ntpd/dnsmasq hotplug integration.
>     Signed-off-by: Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant
>     <ke...@darbyshire-bryant.me.uk <mailto:ke...@darbyshire-bryant.me.uk>>
>     ---
>      .../dnsmasq/patches/220-dnssec-disable-timecheck-hup.patch  | 13
>     +++++++++++++
>      1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)
>      create mode 100644
> package/network/services/dnsmasq/patches/220-dnssec-disable-timecheck-hup.patch

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