On 10/12/2015 03:22 PM, Felix Fietkau wrote:
>>> When using tags as a starting point (via git describe), somebody has to
>>> create those tags, which is cumbersome (and would mean adding lots of
>>> useless ones).
>> What's cumbersome? And why would you have to create useless tags?
> Many people follow current trunk, and we need to have precise version
> information for that when they report a bug. We don't want to regularly
> tag stuff just to keep reported version information up to date.

You don't need to. Try this in your OpenWRT trunk git repo:

git tag -a r 753606a51c979440e10771f0d11494b7b7c1eac2

(Tagging the very first commit with "r".)

Now do:

git describe


If you prefer, cut the last part and get "r-35387".

Looks familiar? Now you even have real linear numbering in each branch,
without the gaps you get when committing to different branches in SVN +
the unique hash. Need to look up the commit? Use the hash (g83c5a41).

Of course "r" is just an example to show the familiarity with SVN
revisions, you could choose whatever seems fit, for example at this
moment it would make sense to tag the moment when 15.05 was branched off
from trunk as "dd", then you'd get "dd-number-hash" in trunk and
"15.05-66-g66620f5" in the 15.05 branch (you actually do, just need to
use "git describe --tags" because the tag was not created with -a).

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