On Mon, 26 Oct 2015 01:21:58 +0100
Matthias Schiffer <mschif...@universe-factory.net> wrote:

> Thanks, but I know what I'm doing. The hardware is similar enough to
> boot with the exact same initialization routines as the v9, thus
> reusing the BOARDNAME is fine (it is done like this for other
> hardware as well - OpenWrt has a distinction between "board" and
> "model", where multiple models can have the same board, but still
> each model has its own images)
> On TP-LINK devices, sysupgrade checks the TPLINK_HWID of the image
> against the one in the flash, the BOARDNAME doesn't matter (except to
> determine that it is a TP-LINK device).

Sorry, no offensive. I forgot the tplink specific check within

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