While reading some articles on Arch wiki [1] I have discovered
anything-sync-daemon [2] which is just awesome if you are embedded
developer or enthusiast using OpenWrt.

Function of the asd (anything-sync-daemon) is to periodically sync
contents of tmpfs (ram drive) to some physical memory (hdd, flash
drive, sd card, internal flash), this speeds up things considerably
while also lowering the wear of physical memory storage device.

Most OpenWrt devices have really small internal flash (4MB being most
common, some models have up to 16MB of internal flash), and if you
write to internal flash you can wear it out quite fast and render it

I have worked on few projects which all collect and log some data, we
usually use sd cards to save data to, but still they also also wear
out after 6-12 months of use.

I see asd (anything-sync-daemon) like an awesome tool that would
collect data and sync every hour data from tmpfs to sc card so it
would reduce wear and tear of sd card.

You can also use asd for having permanent openwrt logs, and sync them
to internal flash so that you have logs even after a reboot, of is you
use rrdtool graphs you can also have your rrdtool database synced so
you have data and rrd graphs also after reboot...

There are lots of use cases I can think of...

But currently there is no package for asd in openwrt package repos.

Has nobody discovered this package yet? Is there some other package
that provides similar functionality already to OpenWrt?


[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Anything-sync-daemon
[2] https://github.com/graysky2/anything-sync-daemon
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