On 2018-09-14 11:18 a.m., Karl Palsson wrote:
"Daniel F. Dickinson" <csh...@thecshore.com> wrote:

This isn't my first preference, but I think this is becoming a
bit of a problem, especially for people not all that familiar
with who's who in OpenWrt.

I've noticed that community (vs. voting committers) often jump
in with (presumably well-meant) advice that might not actually
match what voting committers want (e.g. on a patch or for
policy), and for those not familiar with emails and names of
the voting OpenWrt team this can lead to changing patches or
PR's in ways that are counter-productive to actually getting

I'm not a voting member myself, so this isn't necessarily going
to help me get heard, but I'd also hate for someone take me as
canonical advice in contrast to a voting committer. I know some
community members can be quite helpful, but others tend to
sounding authoritative while not being an 'official' openwrt
team member, which leads to mis-perception (in my view) about
what the project would like to see.
The comments in github show this for you already:

I mostly read the github notifications on email, which doesn't include the info.  Guess that's something I'll have to submit to GitHub to see about getting changed.

if it shows "Contributor" it's just "someone" THey might be a
regular contributor, but they're not a committer. if it shows
"Member" they have commit rights.

What people choose to do with that information is up to them
though really.

Of course, but I think that, especially newbies, tend to think that anyone who speaks with an "authoritative voice" is actually representing the project and not their own opinion.   As much as I want my voice and opinion heard and taken into consideration, I wouldn't intentionally represent myself as the voice of the project, and find it frustrating when others, sometimes names I've never seen before on the list, write (intentionally or not) as if it were up to them, and actually seen folks frustrated by altering commits to fit such an answer, while, once a voting committers weighs in, is actually disadvantageous to getting merged.



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