Hi all,

I've been running both above boxes with ADSL Annex-B without problems,
but now the Telekomedians changed the line to VDSL (Annex-J ?). I tried
various settings with the xDSL firmware and startup, but keep getting
at best:

DOWN [0x300: handshake]
DOWN [0x380: full_init]
DOWN [0x1: exception]

IOW: no "showtime". The box is marketed as "ADSL Annex-B", but the chipset
is said to be VDSL-capable. OpenWRT lets me configure it so I can think of
2 possible reasons:

1. wrong xDSL firmware blob or configuration in the official download image
(tried that so we have some common ground for comparison)

2. TP-Link boxes will happily filter anything below 100kHz or so

Any pointers or definite arguments why it cannot work?


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