1. /etc/config/znc doesnt support hiding password sha + salt or if its 
supporting that  whats the pattern.  2. It is required to type network name to 
join  that network which is not mentioned under documentation  openwrt.org 
openwrt.org  /quote PASS username/Default:password  3. how to generate ssl cert 
NOT as root ?  4. Variable channel `` Specifies one or more channels to join on 
connect. The required format is “<channelname> [<password>]”.``   
leaving that in state    list 'channel'    '#test '   // with 
empty string   causing   Thu May 28 13:29:36 2020 daemon.info procd: Instance 
znc::instance1 s in a crash loop 6 crashes, 0 seconds since last crash  5. In 
general its hard to debug for me , all i can do its service start/stop without 
any output, theres any way to get more verbose data?
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