On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 4:53 PM Michael Jones <m...@meshplusplus.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 6:21 PM Stan Grishin <stan...@melmac.net> wrote:
>> To obtain the list of enabled (for autostart) services, you'd type
>> service list-enabled. For disabled services service list-disabled. It
>> is useful when you need to quickly check which services are
>> enabled/disabled or when helping other users troubleshoot.
>> An alternative to list-enabled/list-disabled that I have considered
>> was to output the enabled status of available services below the usage
>> output, ie replace:
>>                 if [ -n "$1" ]; then
>>                         echo "service "'"'"$1"'"'" not found, the
>> following services are available:"
>>                     ls "/etc/init.d"
>>                 fi
>> with
>>                 if [ -n "$1" ]; then
>>                         echo "service "'"'"$1"'"'" not found, the
>> following services are available:"
>>                     for F in /etc/init.d/* ; do
>>                         $F enabled && echo "$F (autostart enabled)" ||
>> echo "$F (autostart **disabled**)"
>>                     done;
>>                 fi
>> Please elaborate on the list-start and list-stop question, I'm not
>> sure I understand the purpose of those.
> Originally I asked that question because I misunderstood what the goal of 
> this change was.
> I thought that you were proposing to add the ability to enable / disable 
> multiple services at the same time, so I was asking about the ability to 
> start / stop multiple services at the same time.
> It's clear not that's not what you were trying to propose.
> So instead, what about listing the services that are running, and also 
> listing the services that are configured, but not running?

Is there an easy universal way to determine if the service is running?

> I don't know that that provides a lot of value, so it may not be worth doing.

If there's a one/two liner to figure out if a service is running or
not, it may be better to implement `service list` which would print
the table of available init scripts, wherever they are enabled or not
and wherever they are running or not.

If that is deemed to be a better approach I can resubmit the patch.

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