
I posted the following PR some time ago (late November) and it's languishing:


Can I get some reviews of it?

X.509 authentication is a more attractive alternative to simple PSK 
authentication (more entropy, less susceptible to dictionary attacks, etc).

It's a short series of commits that do:

* suppress multiple logging in /var/log/messages for authentication messages;
* adds the /etc/swanctl/conf.d/ which is read from /etc/swanctl/swanctl.conf 
but doesn't exist;
* cleans up some of the UCI and corrects the handling of the "updown" and 
"firewall" scripts (there is no "left" or "right" version, since it's always 
local by definition);
* adds new parameters "reauth", "fragmentation", "closeaction", "mobile" for 
greater completeness;
* the X.509 support, which is the most important part of this PR, but is 
actually a fairly trivial change;
* add support for a global "setup" config section, which contains the 
"cachecrls", "charondebug", "strictcrlpolicy", and "uniqueids" parameters;

It's all Shell and UCI changes, and the relevant .conf generation.  Pretty 



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