On 23/01/21 3:13 am, Philip Prindeville wrote:

> You'll need to remove the dnsmasq package and select 
> CONFIG_PACKAGE_isc-dhcp-server-ipv4 (or -ipv6 which actually supports both 
> IPv4 and IPv6, but the UCI scripting for dynDNS for IPv6 as I said is 
> missing).  That will bring in Bind and the related tools.

Thanks for the detailed how-to.

I would like to understand how to populate ipsets dynamically using
bind, the way dnsmasq does with simple config like:

list ipset '/domain.one/ipset1,ipset2'
list ipset '/domain.two/ipset3,ipset1'

If I can get it working with bind, I will be able to move to ISC DHCPD
and BIND.

Thanks in advance.

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