Hi Ilya,

Op maandag 27 september 2021 om 19u11 schreef Ilya Lipnitskiy <ilya.lipnits...@gmail.com>:
Hi Stijn,

 >>  >all mt7620 JBOOT devices will be broken.
 $ grep \ KERNEL_SIZE image/mt7620.mk|wc -l
That one is under "define Device/amit_jboot", searching for that yields:
$ git grep "\$(Device/amit_jboot)" | wc -l

So all JBOOT devices look covered.

Which mt76x8 device(s) is missing a KERNEL_SIZE or fails to boot with 5.10?

The single mt76x8 device I have works, my reasoning was that maybe those needed further checks because most (all?) of them are small flash devices. That worry was triggered by the odd report of people bricking their device by flashing images with too big a kernel. That being said, that even seems to happen to beefy modern hardware like the mvebu platform, so... I may have been overly cautious (and worried).

By now it's clear I am not wholly familiar with the finer points, so I'm happy with the answers I got (and what I learned) and I'll leave it at that.

Thank you!



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