
On 27. 02. 22 15:29, Paul Spooren wrote:
Isn’t it bad to backport package (or even feed) removal?

This feed was removed before OpenWrt 21.02-rc1 was released, but it was you, Paul, who asked if it could be backported to OpenWrt 19.07 based on this comment [1], and a few days later, it was cherry-picked. [2]

It could be interesting to know why it was necessary to include it in the stable release and if you need it somehow. As said, this feed has been present since OpenWrt 19.07.5, but given the reasons in the commit message and as it was removed from openwrt-21.02 and master branches, it is not necessary to have it in OpenWrt 19.07.

 If it is not used anymore, then it could be removed.

[1] https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/commit/221f97ff4737f012c90feb086bc1c2ed86c6001b#commitcomment-43920797

[2] https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/commit/2a3dbded93775aeaf28fbebbd6aada07c9f588c1


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