Over years I saw multiple reports that new OpenWrt release / kernel
update / netifd change / DSA introduction caused a regression in router
network / NAT speed (masquerade NAT in most cases). Most of those
reports remained unresolved I believe.

The problem is that:
1. OpenWrt doesn't have automated testing environments
2. Developers can't figure anything from undetailed reports
3. Even experienced users don't know how to do proper debugging

I spent almost 2 last months researching & testing masquerade NAT
performance. I thought I'll share my find outs & results. Hopefully
this will get more people involved in tracing & fixing such

* Testing method

In 99% cases it's a totally bad idea to use online speed test services.
They may be too unreliable. It's better to setup a local server instead.

For actual testing you may use iperf or iperf3. If needed - for some
reason - FTP, HTTP or another protocol may be an option too.

* Testing results

Network traffic is often not perfectly stable. To avoid getting false
results it may be worth to:
1. Repeat test in few sessions
2. Reject lowest & highest results
3. Calculate an average speed

Example of my testing:

for i in $(seq 1 5); do
        iperf -t 80 -i 10 -c | head -n -1 | sed -n 's/.* 
\([0-9][0-9]*\) Mbits\/sec.*/\1/p' | sort -n
        sleep 15

Above script lists 8 results from each iperf session. Later I get middle
4 and calculate avarage from them. Then I calculate average from all 5
sessions. It may be an overkill but it was meant to deal with some
really unstable cases.

* Environment setup

Get some (usually 2) PCs powerful enough to easily handle maximum
expected router traffic. Once setup avoid changing anything. Kernel
update or configuration change on PC may affect results even if router
is a bottleneck [1]. Disable power saving - I noticed once a lower
performance whenever screen saver got activated.

Connect PC to WAN port and setup it to use a static IP. You may setup
DHCP server too or just make OpenWrt use static WAN IP & gateway. Start
iperf / FTP / HTTP / whatever server.

Connect another PC to LAN port and install a matching client for
generating network traffic.

* OpenWrt customizations

Depending on setup you may need some custom configuration changes. To
avoid applying them manually on every boot use uci-defaults scripts.

Example of my WAN setup:

mkdir -p files/etc/uci-defaults/

cat << EOF > files/etc/uci-defaults/90-nat.sh
uci set network.wan.proto='static'
uci set network.wan.ipaddr=''
uci set network.wan.netmask=''

* Finding regressions

In continuous testing pick an interval (every day testing or every n-th
commit testing) and look for regressions.

If you notice a regression the first step is to find the first bad
commit. End users often assume that regression was caused by a kernel
change as that is the simplest difference to notice. Always find exact

Make sure to use git bisect [2] for finding first bad commits.

* Stabilizng performance

Probably the most annoying problem in debugging are unstable results.
Speed changing between testing sessions / reboots / recompilations makes
the whole testing unreliable and makes it hard to find a real

Below are few tips that may help stabilizing network speeds.

1. Repeat tests and get average

   Explained above.

2. Don't change environment setup

   Explained above.

3. Use pfifo qdisc

   It should be more stable for simple traffic (e.g. iperf generated).
   Include "tc" package and execute something like:

   tc qdisc replace dev eth0 root pfifo

   Verify with:

   tc qdisc

4. Adjust rps_cpus and xps_cpus

   On multi-CPU devices having multiple CPUs assigned to a single
   network device may result in traffic being assigned to random CPU and
   in varying speeds across testing sessions.

5. Disable CONFIG_SMP

   This will likely reduce performance but may help finding regression
   if testing results vary a lot.

6. Organizing kernel symbols

   CPUs of home routers usually have small caches. The way kernel
   symbols get organized during compilation may significantly affect
   network performance [3]. It's especially annoying as network
   unrelated changes may move / reorder symbols and affect cache hits &

   There isn't a reliable solution for that. It may help to add:
   -falign-functions=32 or
   -falign-functions=64 (depending on platform).
   using e.g. KBUILD_CFLAGS.

* Profiling

Profiling with "perf" [4] allows checking what consumes CPUs. It's very
useful for finding code worth optimizing & comparing CPU usage across

OpenWrt needs to be commpiled with CONFIG_KERNEL_PERF_EVENTS=y option
and package "perf" needs to be installed.

Example of recording:
1. Start network traffic
2. On router execute: ( cd /tmp/; perf record -a -g -- sleep 60 )
3. Copy /tmp/perf.data to machine used for compiling OpenWrt

Example of reporting:
1. perf report -k build_dir/target-*/linux-*/vmlinux.debug --kallsyms 
2. perf report -k build_dir/target-*/linux-*/vmlinux.debug --kallsyms 
build_dir/target-*/linux-*/linux-*/System.map --no-child
3. perf report -k build_dir/target-*/linux-*/vmlinux.debug --kallsyms 
build_dir/target-*/linux-*/linux-*/System.map --no-child -g none

For more fancy reports the Flame Graph [5] can be used:
1. perf script build_dir/target-*/linux-*/vmlinux.debug --kallsyms 
build_dir/target-*/linux-*/linux-*/System.map > out.perf
2. stackcollapse-perf.pl out.perf > out.folded
3. flamegraph.pl out.folded > out.svg

* Kernel regressions

The most problematic to debug are kernel updates. If the first bad
OpenWrt commit is something like kernel switch from 5.4 to 5.10 it means
millions of actual changes.

There is no reasonable way to bisect kernel in OpenWrt. There are so
many kernel patches and so much custom code that it's impossible to
apply all those to dozens of kernel commits during git bisect.

There are two ways to handle such cases:
1. Strip OpenWrt of 90+% custom patches and then try kernel bisecting
2. Use non-OpenWrt environment like Buildroot [6]

* References

[2] https://git-scm.com/docs/git-bisect
[4] https://perf.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Main_Page
[5] https://www.brendangregg.com/flamegraphs.html
[6] https://buildroot.org/

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