On 2/16/23 17:17, Alexander Papazoglou wrote:

My first guess would be that your microcontroller code doesn't handle repeated starts properly. All of the i2ctransfer commands you've shown involve at least one repeated start with the new driver but perhaps not with the old one. To verify, you can break them up in such a way that no repeated starts are issued.

Since you control the microcontroller, you can add diagnostic code (printfs?) to see what I2C reads/writes are being issued by the MT7621.

Yes, understood and thank you.  Unfortunately, due to present time constraints,
I need to leave this as working "well enough" with the older driver. I strongly
suspect I'll be returning to this, but it will be some weeks away. In the meantime, in case someone else stumbles across this, I will add some
remaining information that I should have filled in.

The MCU is an ARM-based Sinomcu part, which is a clone of some kind. I'm using
the Keil SDK and whatever libraries that is pulling in/using.

I do have an MCU development board with its own serial port, but in practice
on the real hardware, I think the only real debug is going to be i2c itself.
I think it is possible to set breakpoints of the debugger (STLink), but not
single step for whatever reason.  If there's a way to get debug strings of
of the STLink, then I haven't discovered it.

Thanks again.

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