#20369: Xiaomi mini Wireless signal is very weak
  Reporter:  rexchou  |      Owner:  developers
      Type:  defect   |     Status:  reopened
  Priority:  high     |  Milestone:  Chaos Calmer 15.05
 Component:  kernel   |    Version:  Trunk
Resolution:           |   Keywords:

Comment (by anonymous):

 Replying to [comment:8 AndreiM]:
 > Right, the `mt76` will suffer improvements, I'm sure; there are good
 people working on it, alas too few…
 > Digression aside, yes, the 2.4 GHz throughput is very low. Even now
 (50-80% faster), it behaves more like 11g :-( I think all the PA/LNA magic
 happens in the
 -pinctrl-ralink-add-pinctrl-driver.patch `pinctrl` driver], where `rt305x`
 has hooks for both PA and LNA, whereas `mt7620` only has support for the
 former. We could attempt to mirror the LNA stuff (e.g.,
 `RT3352_GPIO_MODE_LNA` -> `MT7620_GPIO_MODE_LNA`, `rt3352_lna_func` ->
 `lna_grp`, etc), but the major piece of information missing is the content
 of `lna_grp[] = { FUNC("lna", 0, ?, ?) }`… Looking at the `MT7620` data
 sheet, I think some sort of LNA exists, although
 devel/2015-September/035571.html people claim no external PA or LNA].
 > At this point, I only know that I increased my received signal strength
 from very low to usable (about +15 in SNR); if we manage something similar
 for LNA, it'd be great. We just need to find the right `pin_first` &

 Any clue from some leaked MTK driver sources?

Ticket URL: <https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/20369#comment:65>
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