#20168: CC  - firstboot is broken
  Reporter:  anonymous    |      Owner:  developers
      Type:  defect       |     Status:  new
  Priority:  highest      |  Milestone:  Chaos Calmer 15.05
 Component:  base system  |    Version:  Trunk
Resolution:               |   Keywords:

Comment (by Stilez):

 Confirming this bug, which I came here to report if not already logged.

 failsafe mode -> telnet -> [optional: mount_root] -> firstboot, just hangs
 and does nothing. Left for 30 mins, still hung.

 Also the other command shown (mtd -r erase rootfs_data) didn't do anything
 or fix anything either.  In the end I had to manually delete/rename the
 incorrect file in /etc/config and in the overlay file system
 /overlay/upper, to get back my firstboot settings.

 Also related bug, if you do need to mount_root first to use firstboot, the
 failsafe mode info doesn't say so. That said, it didn't help.

Ticket URL: <https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/20168#comment:4>
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