#21284: EA3500 (Audi Kirkwood) wifi unstable.
  Reporter:  anonymous  |      Owner:  developers
      Type:  defect     |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal     |  Milestone:  Designated Driver (Trunk)
 Component:  kernel     |    Version:  Trunk
Resolution:             |   Keywords:

Comment (by lordgilman):

 Ok, did some more testing with stock hostapd but wpa_group_rekey turned
 down to 15 seconds.  I classified the rekeys as bad (where it exhausts all
 of the rekey timeouts and disconnects), good (rekeys on the first try) and
 slow (takes more than one rekey).

 The baseline:
 Bad: 5 (12%)
 Good: 18 (44%)
 Slow: 18 (44%)

 While doing this test I noticed that it seemed like a timeout that was
 going to be bad (disconnect) might turn into a slow rekey if data was sent
 over the network.  So I tried the test again, but with video streaming on
 the phone so there would be constant data being sent:

 Constant data:
 Bad: 0
 Good: 25 (77%)
 Slow: 9 (26%)

 So a much better improvement.  Seems to be related to some sort of
 buffering on the phone - something about the AP + the phone is making it
 aggressively buffer data and not wake up to respond to these EAPOLs.  I
 might try to see if disconnects keep happening without any WPA encryption
 at all next.  I did dig around in the offending phone and there isn't any
 sort of low power or power saving functionality enabled that I could see
 causing it to buffer like this.

Ticket URL: <https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/21284#comment:40>
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