
> OK, everything working now.
> The name of the realm in the database deviated from the name in the 
> filesystem. That's why I didn't see existing certificates.
> Thus the SQLs used for upgrading the schema seem to be correct. Only 
> migrating the Sequences was needed an additional "+1" for hitting the correct 
> number like so:
> % sudo mysql openxpki -sNe "show tables" |grep "^seq_" |sudo xargs -n1 -I{} 
> mysql openxpki -sNe 'select concat("DROP TABLE {}; CREATE SEQUENCE {} START 
> WITH ", ifnull(max(seq_number),0)+1, " INCREMENT BY 1 MINVALUE 0 NO MAXVALUE 
> CACHE 1;") from {}' >migration_ddls_part2.sql
> Would it make sense to detail the migration path a little more in
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openxpki/openxpki-config/community/UPGRADEv3.md?
> I could open a Pull Request, if that makes sense.

Glad to hear you got it working. PRs to improve the documentation are always 

Best regards,


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