Hi Gabriel,

> I need to issue new realm certificates, both from ca-signer-1 and vault-1.
> Could you tell me what commands I should execute to issue the certificates.

If I understand you correctly you intend to perform a CA Rollover within your 
PKI Realm, and you also wish to update the datasafe (vault) certificate.

In order to do the former, you need to issue a new CA Certificate which is 
capable of issuing certificates for your PKI Realm. Make the CA private key 
accessible to OpenXPKI, preferably in a way that the system can implicitly 
reference the private key by its base name and the CA generation (the latter is 
set during import of the CA signer certificate).
How to do that depends on your setup (e. g. key storage in database, in the 
file system or as a HSM object). 

Once the CA private key is accessible to the system, import the CA certificate 
via openxpkiadm as a signer token into the PKI Realm. Once this is done, the 
system will immediately be able to use the new CA certificate for issuance of 
new certificate. The old CA certificate remains active and will be used to sign 
CRLs for revoked certificates for the previous CA generation.
Note that these operations can be done without restarting OpenXPKI, during 
regular runtime. Truly continuous CA operation :-)

Importing/activating a new datasafe certifiate is quite similar. Deploy and 
configure the new datasafe private key at its designated location, import the 
vault certificate as a datasafe token. If that certificate is issued by a CA in 
the same PKI Realm, the certificate is already in the database and it is 
sufficient to just set an alias.

The commands for these operations are very similar to the initial setup, please 
refer to https://openxpki.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstart.html 



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