Hi Jeremy,

> There is a draft RFC which proposes to add the capability to convey private 
> key attestation to an enrollment server:
> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-lamps-key-attestation-ext-00.html
> This covers all protocols and all attestation sources.  I have been working 
> with Android KeyStore and KeyChain lately and this certainly seems possible 
> on the client end.
> I haven't looked at the other draft(s) mentioned in the above RFC, or for any 
> approved standards, but I hope this is enough to start a conversation.

This is certainly an interesting development (and an official RFC covering this 
would have been really useful in one of my projects a decade ago...)

As of today, this is still an IETF draft, not an RFC. Let's see how this 
develops, I would assume that we will see several years before it makes it to 
an offical RFC (if at all).



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