I'm not sure what's causing this, but I have a *hunch*.

Did you configure and build opm-core before opm-parser?  It's a relatively 
recent change, but opm-core now *requires* opm-parser.  Consequently, you 
*must* configure and build opm-parser *prior* to configuring and building 
opm-core.  Otherwise opm-core's configure process will fail with the messages 
you report below.

There may be other causes, certainly, but if you don't honour the opm-parser 
requirement (which is poorly documented, we know) your build will surely fail.  
Concerning the "cJSON" question of your follow-up e-mail, that software is a 
prerequisite for the opm-parser, not for opm-core.  If your system has a 
system-wide installation of cJSON, then that will be used.  Otherwise 
opm-parser comes bundled with a copy of the cJSON package and will use that if 
cJSON is not found during configuration.

Bård Skaflestad
From: Júlio Hoffimann [julio.hoffim...@gmail.com]
Sent: 05 March 2014 16:24
To: Bård Skaflestad
Cc: opm@opm-project.org
Subject: Re: [OPM] [opm-core] DUNE dependency

What diagnostics, if any, do you get from CMake during configuration?

For sure it's not a DUNE dependency issue, this is what I get on my laptop:

 -- Finding package opm-parser using module mode
CMake Error at 
/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:97 (MESSAGE):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  cmake/Modules/Findcjson.cmake:86 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
  cmake/Modules/Findopm-parser.cmake:108 (find_package)
  cmake/Modules/OpmFind.cmake:147 (find_package)
  cmake/Modules/OpmFind.cmake:211 (find_and_append_package_to)
  cmake/Modules/OpmLibMain.cmake:90 (find_and_append_package_list_to)
  CMakeLists.txt:119 (include)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

The message gives no clue on what is causing the error, does it? Do you want to 
see CMakeError.log or CMakeOutput.log?


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