
I guess this place is still wrong for the parallel case and I am
currently struggeling to fix it.

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:58:18AM +0000, Atgeirr Rasmussen wrote:
> See the docs for the field face_cells. For a face f, face_cells[2*f] and 
> face_cells[2*f+1]
> are its cells, and the face is oriented from the first to the second. Either 
> can be -1 if
> the face is on the boundary.
> In CpGrid, the OrientedEntityTable stores the neighbours (cells in this case) 
> in
> arbitrary order, but it does keep an orientation with the indices instead. 
> I'll denote
> this using "~" to mean negative orientation. So let's say that face f has two 
> cell neighbours,
> called a and b, and is oriented from a to b. In UG.face_cells this must be [a 
> b]. In CpGrid,
> the corresponding row can be either [a ~b] or [~b a]. So the use_first 
> variable tries to 
> see whether we should extract a from the first or second position.
> A minor added complication is that while the UG always stores two, the CpGrid 
> stores just one
> cell for boundary faces.

Yes it does. But what is to be espected for the boundary faces (just
a, no b)? Is it always like this:

UG [a -1]
CpGrid [a]

The reason I am asking is that even in this case you are checking the


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