On Fri, 2014-06-20 at 17:59 +0200, Paolo Orsini wrote:

> I have tried to compile/install opm-core and opm-parser on ubuntu. I
> managed to build and install successfully both opm-parser and
> opm-core, however when I try to use these libraries (e.g. compiling
> the well_example (in the opm-core/example folder), I get many errors
> like [undefined reference to opm-parser symbol]. Clearly I am doing
> something wrong in linking the libraries, any idea what?

Would you mind providing a little more detail on your setup?  Did you
build/install the opm-parser module and then repeated that process for
the opm-core module based on the installed opm-parser?  That *should*
work, but it's a path that (very) rarely gets exercised by most opm
developers; myself included.  If you did something else I think we need
more information in order to provide further assistance.

By the way, do you build the 'well_example' as part of building opm-core
or as an independent executable?

Bård Skaflestad  <bard.skafles...@sintef.no>
SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics

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