
On Freitag, 19. Mai 2017 22:05:34 CEST Alan King wrote:
> I'd like to be able to extract the matrices and right-hand sides that are
> sent to the solvers. Does anyone have some pointers on where in the code I
> can look to write a dump routine?

Easy, look here: 


The residual can be printed simply by using

std::cout << ebosResid;

For its Jacobian matrix, I recommend

Dune::printSparseMatrix(std::cout, ebosJac, "J", "row"); 

Because you probably don't want to be flooded by dozens of millions of boring 
zero entries. If I remember correctly, there are also some routines in Dune 
which output matrices and vectors to standardized format like MatrixMarket. I 
haven't personally used them yet, though.


Just because a patch doesn't solve world hunger isn't really a good
reason to reject it.
        -- Daniel Vetter

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