I have a model being used as a well placement exercise (early stage) for 

When run as a dead oil (PVDO is used but with a single Rs and live oil Bo and 
viscosity values), it seems to work fine. It even works OK if GAS (etc.) is 
added but the DISGAS keyword is left out.

However, for a proper live oil with DISGAS, a couple of the water injectors 
(placed down dip of the crest, on the fringe of the oil leg and in the water 
leg), get shut almost immediately from the start of the simulation and 
injection. The production wells are set to keep pressures above the bubble 
point (quite a bit) so the "dead oil" behavior should be replicated.

There is an "oscillation" warning and then several wells are shut and I am told 
that for each case the well  " will be shut because it cannot get converged". A 
message follows: "Problematic wells were shut", and when I check the production 
summaries, they are shut for the rest of the simulation, which does proceed, 
albeit incorrectly. The permanent shutting of the wells seems a strange move 
for me - better to stop the simulation or try restarting the wells after a time 
step chop or equivalent. This suggests there's an issue with the code to me.

There's nothing particularly difficult about the injectors, they are vertical 
and placed in good perm cells and work for a dead oil anyway.

I think the problem is with calculating the RS. I read in a paper on OPM Flow 
that RS is the third variable when the simulation is above bubble point. I seem 
to recall spotting a problem like this on this help page a few months back or 
on GITHUB but can't find it relative to the problem I have. Maybe I was 
thinking of something different (there was one on convergence in cells).

I've played around with the numbers but I'm scratching my head. The wells were 
on pressure control and I tried setting to rate control and allowing greater 
BHP. Thinking the problem is related to injected water meeting live oil to 
calculate RS, I changed the completions to only inject below the OWC. This 
worked actually. What seems to be happening is that I need to get the pressure 
of the injector sufficiently large to get a converged solution. Changing 
completions reduced the WI of the well so that pressures went up. If I increase 
the rates I can then complete in the oil leg too.

Other LIVEOIL models have worked fine in different reservoir models so there's 
a combination of things going on here.

Any help gratefully received. I can forward models if necessary but would not 
post to the group as I need to send a zip file.


My PROPS and SOLUTION section are:


--            Oil      Water     Gas
              52.6     64.0      0.1  /

-- Oil:  Rs      Poil       Bo       viscosity

0.119     1160       1.312     0.570     /
0.454     1895       1.47        0.340
        6950    1.307   0.58                  /

1160       2.738     0.0151
1444       2.17        0.01587
1729       1.786     0.01728
3000       1              0.02
4000       0.8          0.023
5000       0.75        0.026
6000       0.72        0.0285
7000       0.7          0.0305


-- Water:  Pwat    Bw      Cw    viscosity    viscosibility
           5460   1.03   3.0E-6     0.34            0.   /

-- Rock compressibility
   5111   3.0E-06 /

  'SWOFY.INC'  /


--  Depth     PB
    9000     0.454
    10850    0.454   /

-- Initial conditions
--  Depth   pressure      OWC     Pc@OWC     GOC     Pc@GOC     Rs from RSVD 
    10500      5700        10850      0.0      9000   0.0            1/
--    10850      5694        10850      0.0      1*   0.0            1/
--    10550      5775        10550      0.0      1*   0.0            1/


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