I would like to inform that the Functest project elected this morning
his new PTL.

We just applied the recommendations we voted in Functest

Jose -  you all know him -  will take the lead of the project.

He has been very active in the project (and not only in Functest...)
since Arno and has a perfect knowledge of the OPNFV ecosystem.

Eisenhower said "Leadership consists of nothing but taking
responsibility for everything that goes wrong and giving your
subordinates credit for everything that goes well."

@José: Do not worry, we already know that most of the things that go
well in Functest are due to you, so I am sure you will be a great PTL!
And as Liverpool Footbal fans are used to sing: "You will never walk

I was very happy to PTLize Functest from Arno to Colorado. Still many
rivers to cross...

I will keep on contributing in Functest in addition of my TSC/Testing
group/EndUserGroup tasks.

vote is available here:
(note I received 4 additional Yes proxies by mail)
INFO file has been amended: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/22969/
I will ask for the modification of the mailing list to include Jose in
PTL mailing list (and remove myself)



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