And I would once again like to remind people that these aren't meant to be
vanity metrics, but a way for us to take a recurring, data - driven look at
ourselves as a community. Catching issues, deprecating projects, having
hard conversations about resource needs : these are all healthy things to
do that will increase our resilience in the long run. Also making sure we
have the right metrics, reports, and analytical lens is important, too.
Please provide your best thoughts to this discussion.


On Jan 16, 2017 3:15 PM, "Raymond Paik" <> wrote:

> All,
> One of the agenda topics for this week's call is the projects health
> metrics.  On the TSC wiki, I posted a DRAFT report under the agenda topic
> at,2017
> The goal of this exercise is to provide an overview of different projects'
> activity levels and to provide a data point for regular project discussions
> (e.g. does Project A need more resources, is Project X a candidate for
> termination review, etc.?)
> All data in this report came from public sources.  Most of the data came
> from the Bitergia dashboard, but there was definitely some manual work
> involved (e.g. for number of wiki contributions for individual project
> pages).  You may notice that some of the data are missing on git commits as
> we discovered that git data wasn't being pulled from some of the projects
> (e.g. daisy, ves, etc.) and I'm working with the Bitergia team on this.
> I encourage your feedback on this via mailing lists and on tomorrow's
> call.  Please let me know if you have any questions.
> Thanks,
> Ray
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