
As you may be aware, the TSC determined on Tuesday that they do not have
enough information to vote on the Danube 1.0 release.  Therefore:

   - The vote on the release will be deferred to the next TSC meeting on
   Tues, March 28
   - This means that we are no longer planning to release on Mon, March 27,
   as originally planned.
   - A revised schedule for release will be developed based on input from
   scenario owners and test framework PTLs.
   - The Release Manager will poll the scenario owners and test framework
   PTLs to assess the confidence level for releasing with different schedule

I will update this thread as I gather additional data and decisions are
made.  In the mean time, please continue to work hard toward the release,
as I know you are.

Let me know if you have questions or concerns.


*David McBride*
Release Manager, OPNFV
Mobile: +1.805.276.8018
Email/Google Talk:
Skype: davidjmcbride1
IRC: dmcbride
opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list

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