
The TSC voted this morning to change the release date to Friday, March 31.
I will be updating the schedule on the wiki, but here is a summary of what
will happen this week.

Note:  on the release call this morning, I said that MS9 would be on
Wednesday.  However, it was pointed out that finishing up the documentation
includes resolving and closing JIRA tickets, so I decided that it would
make more sense to schedule it on the same day as the documentation

   - Wednesday, March 29
      - MS8 - end of formal testing and data collection
   - Thursday, March 30
      - MS9 - JIRA cleanup
      - MS10 - complete documentation
   - Friday, March 31, 3 p.m. PDT
      - PTLs tag projects
      - Note that we are using an "RC" tag, initially, for this release.
      You can apply this tag while you are completing your final reviews, etc.,
      then once you are certain that you are done, then you can apply the "1.0"


*David McBride*
Release Manager, OPNFV
Mobile: +1.805.276.8018
Email/Google Talk:
Skype: davidjmcbride1
IRC: dmcbride
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