
In light of Chris's resignation and request, I would like to propose
that we bring our plans to evolve the project to the TSC sooner, rather
than later, and get TSC guidance on a number of key questions related to
Dovetail, which is not like other projects because of its relationship
to the CVP:

* Should we allow multiple committers from a single vendor?
* How should we handle the expansion of the committers during the
restructuring of the Dovetail project?

I do not believe that another project has considered, as we have
recently, an addition of many new committers to a project, nor is there
another project so directly related to a board committee. I think it
will be useful and necessary for us to get TSC guidance on any changes
to the project - and with Chris stepping down, I think we should get
this guidance before extending invitations to new committer candidates.


On 05/01/2017 12:11 PM, Christopher Price wrote:
> Hi Hongbo,
> I will be standing down as a committer on the Dovetail project.
> When I established the project it was intended to reflect as fairly as
> possible a common set of voices from all member companies that had a
> stake in our project. 
> I feel that the balance in the project is not ideal today, I certainly
> feel that my voice counts for little and is often ignored by the
> majority votes and I do not think I am able to provide value as a
> committer in the current structure.
> I strongly urge you to approach the TSC for support in re-structuring
> DoveTail in as meritocratic manner as possible, committers contributing
> to the repo, with a structure that limits the votes for any single
> commercial interest on the project.  I believe this would be in the best
> interest of the project.
> Regards,
>                 Chris
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