Thnaks Trevor

I added some points that reflect the notes for the next test weekly
meeting planned on the 4th of May:
feel free to add additional points
I will not be able to join this time, could you chair the meeting?


Le 28/04/2017 à 16:36, Cooper, Trevor a écrit :
> Status of Danube and what improved
>             1. landing page
>                         -
>                         -
>                                     § Meaning of info displayed? Test
> ran, test passed … agree for consistency … TBD
>             2. catalogue - diagram with roll-over
>                         -
>                         - All PTLs to review if test cases are valid
> and if not remove
>                         - Add short description that is human readable
> (add API field)
>                         ○ Define test domain categories - start by
> using labels on test ecosystem diagram
>             3. Stress tests - video of presentation is available -
> simultaneous vPING which increases until system fails
>             4. Documentation
>                         ○ Ecosystem diagram
>                         ○ Testing guide
>                         ○ Add agenda item to TWG in June (2 sessions
> on how to improve)
>                         ○ New test projects … add to common docs
>                         ○ Developer guide - move to docs
>             5. Reporting status / dashboard
>                         ○ Bottlenecks TBD?
>             6. Bitergia
>                         ○ Morgan meeting 10th May
>                         ○
>                         ○ Add to TWG agenda next week to revisit
> Wish list for Infra group
>             - One POD dedicated to long duration tests (with
> reservation mechanism)
>             - Per installer
>                         ○ Stable of previous release
>                         ○ Master
>             - OPNFV POD on demand for tester (before merging)
>                         ○ Per installer if possible
>                         ○ Infra group working on it
>                         ○ Today can fill a ticket to ask if there is a
> free resource
> Micro services
>             - Deploy VNF
>                         ○ Retrieve image
>                         ○ Deploy
>                         ○ Prebuild image with tools - standardise on a
> framework
>                         ○ Take image and copy over tools - Ansible
> (infra doing this with Open Stack Ansible)
>                         ○ Catalog of roles for Ansible?
>                                     § Ansible Galaxy is a tool for
> deploying and managing roles
>                                                 □ e.g. Install TREX TG
>                                                 □ Turn on live
> migration in Nova
>             - Test generator?
>             - Collect / display results
>                         ○ Test API and DB
>                         ○ Reuse collectd lib for VNF KPIs
>             - Analytics of results
>             - What APIs to expose to other test projects?
>                         ○ Functest
>                                     § Deploy orchestrator VNF
>                                     § Use Traffic gen and generate load
> /Trevor
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Morgan Richomme

Network architect for innovative services
Future of the Network community member
Open source Orange community manager

tel. +33 (0) 296 072 106
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