Hi all,
Please refer to this Wednesday's  mano-wg agenda.
Agenda - Refer link https://wiki.opnfv.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6827111
Meeting Details

Meeting Times: Every  Wednesday (7.00 am PST)  at 14.00 UTC, Other  Ad-hoc 
meeting as per Project requests

For IRC can use can use http://webchat.freenode.net/

IRC#opnfv-mano (meetbot is set for meeting minutes )



1. Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
(in case of GTM fails join IRC using webchat link above and get the new GTM 
link/ meeting number)

2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.  Or, 
call in using your telephone.

United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
United States: +1 (312) 757-3136
Agenda - Refer link https://wiki.opnfv.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6827111

We have OPNFV Release Euphrates(E) settling on MS6 of feature freeze to deliver 
by MS10 on October 6/2017
Unnamed yet F scheduled announced at TCT tentatively  for April 20/2108.

Now is time to consolidate what we did in VNF Onboarding and Orchestration in 
OPNFV. Start with a peak into Heat in OpenStack as what it has in store for us.
We will look at other events in upstream MNAO  like ONAP, OpenBaton, OSM and 
Service provider and EUAG promotions.

So look forward to new and views to see what can be accomplished in E &F as we 
see acceleration in this space.

Here is the link to GTM and agenda for meeting #45 -All are welcome to attend 
and participate in debate and plans. Thanks Prakash


Schedules  for next meetings:

Sept 13, Wednesday : 14.00 UTC /7.00 PDT  Meeting #45

1.Agenda Bashing

2. VNF On-boarding and orchestration with 
 for vIMS  / How about 
 and VNF Validation 
ki<https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3247218>t in ONAP -  (30 

3. Template based VNF Orchestration  best practices and testing status review   
 (15 minutes)

  *   Template based VNF Orchestration  and  
  as use case- Prakash/Trinath (FUNCTEST/ Rake test and Ruby 1.9.3 issues?)
  *   Opera: Approach to testing via snaps-oo for VNFs  to be reviewed - 
Opera<https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/28119> - Yingjun Li/Prakash - 
(snap-oo extensions?)
  *   EUAG and XCI:  Auto - workload and Edge 
Cloud<http://extend%20pharos%20for%20workload> - Tina / Prasad /Trinath 
(elastic workload how without POD Resources?)
  *   Any new developments to note from OPNFV or upstream - community - Verizon 
ONAP & OSM? What's the latest news?

4. VNF Life cycle Management best practices & testing status review (15 minutes)

  *   Impact of Pharos POD  configurations for VNF scaling  - Prakash/Narinder 
(discussed for vIMS - should it be moved to XCI debate?)
  *   Orchestra:  No Clearwater  Live test in E.0.0 will it move that to F.0.0? 
- Orchestra -( Unit-test + Mock)<https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/38949/7> - 
Michael/Giuseppe (To conclude)
  *   test-wg follow-up: Suggests MANO vIMS tests to be in OPNFV F-release 
-Prakash/Michael - (Any objections from Orchestra team?)
  *   Any new developments to note from OPNFV or upstream -community - Brief 
review of OpenDev related to VNF at Edge - (Attendees)

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