I think the problem might be the maven-bundle-plugin version. I updated the version to 3.2.0 and it worked for me.

I also change the config to just this:


I think that the old plugin maybe does not fully work with the most current DS annotations.

Btw. This is what I use most often now to create bundles:

I then define the OSGi settings in bnd.bnd files if necessary. Like here


On 06.04.2017 17:01, Massimo Bono wrote:
Just to be sure, I totally remove the whole "bundle-example" project, leaving only the "bundle-example-impl" (I also removed the artifact from my maven repository just to be sure).
Pax exam still gives the same error though. :(

On Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 3:52:28 PM UTC+2, Massimo Bono wrote:

    Ehm... that one is totallly my fault. In my first test I separated
    interface from module implementation. Since I couldn't test it, I
    thought simplifying the project might solve the issue.
    As you can see in /microsi-root/pom.xml/ that project is *not used
     at all*:


        <!-- <module>examples/bundle-example</module>-->


    Clearly, even removing the interface bundle and moving the
    BundleExample.java into bundle-example-impl project didn't solve
    the issue. :(
    Do you have another idea of what I might be missing?

    On Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 3:25:36 PM UTC+2, Christian
    Schneider wrote:

        No .. that looks fine .. I guess I was just blind :-)

        I think the the problem is about where the service interface
        comes from. The BundleExample interface is present in the
        bundle-example bundle as well as in the bundle-example-impl
        The service is created based on the interface from
        bundle-example-impl but the itest depends on the
        bundle-example bundle. So I guess they see different interfaces.


        On 06.04.2017 15:00, Massimo Bono wrote:
        I thought by installing SCR bundle I was be able to exploit
        DS service.

        Are you telling me that:


        is not sufficient to exploit DS?
        On Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 2:25:44 PM UTC+2, Christian
        Schneider wrote:

            In your BundleExample impl you use declarative services
            but you do not install the scr bundle in your test
            config. So your bundle is installed but the @Component
            will not do anything. So TestBundleExayou can not inject
            the service because there is no such service published in
            the runtime. Christian On 06.04.2017 14:14, Massimo Bono
            Hello to all!
            I'm learning OSGi technology and I discover pax exam 4.
            I've tried to follow the guide lines at Getting Started
            with OSGi Tests
            OSGi Containers
            However, it seems I can't start the testing.
            The error is the following one:

                gave up waiting for service
                gave up waiting for service

            It seems that pax exam starts correctly, but fails to
            inject bundle-example (a "hello world" bundle I'm testing).
            I'm putting all the source code here
            Furthermore, here some additional information:

             1. I'm using Java 1.8.0_121;
             2. The OSGi implementation chosen is 5.6.2;
             3. I'm using maven and I'm using the one available via
                m2e Eclipse plugin (m2e version 1.7);
             4. Eclipse version is 4.6.0 (Neon);
             5. Pax exam version is 4;

            If you look at the POM of the test
            (itest-bundle-example), you'll notice I've added other
            dependencies aside those cite in Osgi Containers
            I've added them because I got other errors before
            getting stuck on the "gave up waiting" one.

              * *org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-container-native:4.10.0*:
                I've added it because otherwise Pax complained with
                "No TestContainer implementation in Classpath";
              * *org.ops4j.pax.exam:pax-exam-link-assembly:4.10.0*:
                I've added it because otherwise Pax complained with
                "Problem starting test container";

            If you look at the log maven generates (see attachment
            maven.log) you'll see that the platform correctly
            *resolve and install* my bundle:
            14:05:05.895 [main] DEBUG
            org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.internal.Connection - *Resolving
            14:05:05.897 [main] DEBUG
            - Using manager PaxLocalRepositoryManager with priority
            0.0 for E:\Users\massi\.m2\repository
            14:05:05.919 [main] DEBUG
            org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.internal.AetherBasedResolver -
            14:05:05.922 [main] DEBUG
            org.ops4j.pax.exam.nat.internal.NativeTestContainer - +
            *Install *(start@3)
            version='0.0.1-SNAPSHOT', type='null'}
            If I comment out the "@Inject" annotation, everything
            works, so I think I configured wrongly pax exam.
            Waiting for any kind reply!
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-- Christian Schneider

            Open Source Architect

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-- Christian Schneider

        Open Source Architect

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Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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