
I wanted to share my recent experience related to https://ops4j1.jira.com/
browse/PAXCDI-210 (JSF Beans cannot be resolved).

What I wanted to do is to run simple(st) example with @Named,
@RequestScoped managed bean accessible from JSF/facelets/EL.

After several major changes (which I hate) I got the example working (which
required lots of insight into how it works in plain Tomcat + Weld +
Myfaces), BUT I wasn't able to @Inject a @org.ops4j.pax.cdi.api.Service to
my bean. I gave up after seeing that weld is trying to compare real
annotation class (@org.ops4j.pax.cdi.api.Component) with com.sun.Proxy...

What I had to change?
 - in pax-web I had to carefully sort org.ops4j.pax.web.service.
jetty.internal.HttpServiceContext#servletContainerInitializers field, to
ensure that CDI is "run" before JSF
 - in pax-web, I had to disable tldScanning for additional (declared in
*.tld) <listener>s and move that part to org.ops4j.pax.web.jsp.
 - org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.model.ContextModel#containerInitializers
has to be *linked* hashMap
 - in pax-web event listeners have to be removed in the context of web
app's classloader
 - in pax-web,
org.ops4j.pax.web.extender.war.internal.model.WebApp#addListener() has to
skip duplicates (I saw several other duplicates for listeners, EL
resolvers, etc and I didn't have time to fix it)
 - in pax-cdi,
org.ops4j.pax.cdi.spi.AbstractCdiContainer#contextClassLoader has to be
carefully chosen - I checked that if we're in the context of pax-web, we
have to take existing TCCL from pax-web
and just add CDI provider bundle to it - otherwise CDI.current() won't work
(JSF won't find it)
 - in pax-cdi only pax-cdi-undertow-weld had correct JSF integration - I
had to move it to pax-cdi-weld (Weld → JSF → EL integration, as described
in http://docs.jboss.org/weld/reference/latest/en-US/html/ri-spi.html,
 - pax-cdi-jetty-weld didn't pass correct "org.ops4j.pax.cdi.BeanManager"
context attribute
 - weld 2.4.6.Final started to require javax.ejb package - weld 2.4.5.Final
works fine
 - pax-cdi-extensions actually had to export the packages of both
extensions and my sample WAR bundle had to import them explicitly (I used
DynamicImport-Package for pax-cdi, weld and myfaces packages)

Summarizing - are there any plans to release pax-cdi 1.0.0.GA at some
point? For me we're not there yet - it's still not working well. JSF itself
is IMO a mess full of statics (it's personal opinion, as I've never liked
JSF, so please excuse me) which are not very OSGI friendly.

I'm also not sure how aries-cdi project goes and at what stage it is and
how it can be compared to pax-cdi.

What do you think?

best regards
Grzegorz Grzybek

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