
In Wicket web framework if some request url has not a dedicated/registered 
handler in application then WicketServlet fallbacks processing to return a 
resource from ServletContext as a response content:
InputStream stream = getServletContext().getResourceAsStream(url);
  String mimeType = getServletContext().getMimeType(url);

I don't know if this is Wicket specific thing or a common use case in Java 
Servlets world? :)
The problem is, that by default PaxWeb (DefaultHttpContext) allows to 
return all resources available in bundle (because all calls are delegated 
to Bundle methods like: getResource, getEntryPaths).

In this way user can prepare a special url in a browser (eg. 
http://our_app_url/com/somepackage/SampleClass.class) and our application 
will return the content of any resource which is part of a bundle (for 
which DefaultHttpContext was created).
I try to find how to block this behaviour (block access to these internal 
files in bundle), maybe I forgot to configure something or I am doing 
something wrong?

PS. We are using PaxWeb 7.

Best regards,

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