
I tried to migrate our application to karaf 4.4.0. Unfortunately I found 
out that I couldn't access to application via browser. Our app has a lot of 
osgi bundles and one big WAR with angular app (web context path is "/").  
It works fine with karaf 4.3.6. But with karaf 4.4.0 when I tried to access 
web I received 404. 

Here are some of outputs from web command :
karaf@root()> web:context-list 
Bundle ID │ Symbolic Name                         │ Context Path │ Context 
Name │ Rank │ Service ID │ Type        │ Scope   │ Registration Properties
202       │ org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http │ /            │ default 
     │ MAX  │ 0          │ HttpService │ static* │ httpContext.id=default
          │                                       │              │         
     │      │            │             │         │ httpContext.path=/
          │                                       │              │         
     │      │            │             │         │ 
          │                                       │              │         
     │      │            │             │         │ 
326       │ tech.pantheon.chronos.web             │ /            │ /       
     │ MAX  │ 0          │ WAB         │ static* │ 

karaf@root()> web:servlet-list 
Bundle ID │ Name                       │ Class                             
                                │ Context Path(s) │ URLs          │ Type   
     │ Context Filter
202       │ cxf-osgi-transport-servlet │ 
org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFNonSpringServlet              │ /       
        │ /cxf/*        │ HttpService │ -
326       │ default                    │ 
org.ops4j.pax.web.service.jetty.internal.web.JettyResourceServlet │ /       
        │ /             │ WAB         │ -
326       │ jsp                        │ org.ops4j.pax.web.jsp.JspServlet   
                               │ /               │ *.jspx, *.jsp │ WAB     
    │ -

karaf@root()> web:wab-info 326

Chronos :: Web project (326)
Context Path: /
Deployment State: Deployed
WAB ClassPath:
 - bundle://11e5e938-27e2-46c1-ad0d-76992b218d96_326.0:0/WEB-INF/classes/
 - org.ops4j.pax.web.jsp.JasperInitializer
Container web fragments (reachable bundles without 
 - (102) org.ops4j.pax.web.pax-web-jsp/8.0.2

Could someone help me find out what is wrong?


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