Hello, opsawg.  We have requested a meeting slot for IETF 103 in
Bangkok.  Like previous meetings, we have requested a 2.5 hour meeting
combining opsawg and Ops Area.

We'd like to get people to start thinking about presentation topics and
to start working on their slides.

If you are thinking about proposing a presentation, keep in mind that
your presentation should _NOT_ simply present your document
section-by-section.  In fact, it shouldn't present your document
section-by-section at all.

A good presentation will discuss the problem briefly, describe the
solution, and then ask questions of the WG as to what is needed to
proceed with the document.  That is, what areas do you need specific
input?  Where might you need help to fully form a viable solution?  What
additional considerations should WG be aware of?

In addition to proposing your presentation, email the list ahead of the
meeting requesting a review of your document and seeding your questions
so the WG can prepare good answers for you.

Remember, we want a discussion both in the room and on the list.

Finally, keep your time in mind.  Many slots are 10 minutes, which
should likely have a max of four slides to allow for some discussion.

Presentations that simply go section-by-section through documents will
not be accepted.

Please send requests for presentation slots to opsawg-cha...@ietf.org.
The final cut off for presentations will be October 31, 2018 to ensure
the list has time to review documents.


Joe on behalf of the co-chairs

OPSAWG mailing list

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