thanks john.  appreciated.

> 0. I’d like to thank George Michaelson for a thorough and helpful, not
> to say exemplary, shepherd’s report.

it's odd.  the acks have thanked ggm twice, once for shepherding, and
folk seem to miss it.

> 1. Section 3:
>    Ideally, RPSL would be augmented to define a new RPSL geofeed:
>    attribute in the inetnum: class.  Until such time, this document
> I, too, am curious as to why this ideal solution isn’t considered
> achievable. 
> I’m also a little confused by the way you seem to be arguing with
> yourself in this section. First you tell me that change control for
> RPSL is vested in the operator community (by implication, not the
> IETF). A few paragraphs later you say:
>    While we leave global agreement of RPSL modification to the
>    relevant parties, we specify that a proper geofeed: attribute in
>    the inetnum: class MUST be "geofeed: ", and MUST be followed by a
>    single URL which
> Is it up to them? Or is it up to you? I don’t get it. I mean, I’m fine
> with what you’ve specced, but when you fence it off with disclaimers
> that say RPSL modification isn’t up to you, it leaves me confused.
> Perhaps your point is that the IETF gets to specify the geofeed:
> attribute, but only the RIRs get to decide when they will start using
> it?

really, if the ripe community adopts it.  and progress is good there.

ever see the cat herding video?

> By the way, I bet you should expand “RIR“ on first use.

ack.  but aren't the darned RIRs expansive enough?  :)

> 2. Section 3:
>    Until all producers of inetnum:s, i.e. the RIRs, state that they have
>    migrated to supporting a geofeed: attribute, consumers looking at
>    inetnum:s to find geofeed URLs MUST be able to consume both the
>    remarks: and geofeed: forms.  This not only implies that the RIRs
>    support the geofeed: attribute, but that all registrants have
>    migrated any inetnum:s from remarks: use to geofeed:s.
> The referent of “this” in the last sentence isn’t clear. Maybe you mean
> “migrated”? Rewriting as ‘“Migrated” not only implies…’ would clarify,
> if so.


> 3. Section 3:
>    Any particular inetnum: object MUST have at most, one geofeed
>    reference, whether a remarks: or a proper geofeed: attribute when it
>    is implemented.  If there is more than one, all are ignored.
> This makes me think the geofeed: attribute will never, ever be
> adopted, because you’ve just created a flag day requirement.

no.  this is per inetnum: object, not per registry.  see beginning of
para.  perhaps i should add an example of an inetnum: object.

    inetnum: -
    netname:        RGNET-RSCH-147-0
    country:        EE
    org:            ORG-RO47-RIPE
    admin-c:        RB45695-RIPE
    tech-c:         RB45695-RIPE
    abuse-c:        AR52766-RIPE
    status:         LEGACY
    mnt-by:         MAINT-RGNET
    mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-LEGACY-MNT
    remarks:        Geofeed
    created:        2020-10-20T23:45:00Z
    last-modified:  2020-11-12T13:16:12Z
    source:         RIPE

except i bet it would take hours to use proper example formalities for

> Why not permit both the remarks: and geofeed: versions to enable
> transition?

because then, as you point out, it is three paragraphs if they disagree.

> 4. Section 5:
>    If and only if the geofeed file is not signed per Section 4, then
>    multiple inetnum: objects MAY refer to the same geofeed file, and the
>    consumer MUST use only geofeed lines where the prefix is covered by
>    the address range of the inetnum: object they have followed.
> Presumably this only works with unsigned geofeeds because you’re
> implicitly requiring that the geofeed file be signed only once. Is
> there any particular driver for this sign-only-once requirement? On a
> cursory review of §4, I don’t see anything that would make multiple
> signatures impracticable.

the grofeed lines would then need to be sorted, clumped, ...  seems a
bit complex for not much win.  due to the administrative structure and
process, inetnum: objects tend to the same granularity as RPKI objects.
so having the geofeed files follow seems natural.

i figure that, if signing actually is used, and folk whine, we can beg
russ to do a bis.

> I note that §3 says
>    If a geofeed CSV file describes multiple disjoint ranges of IP
>    address space, there are likely to be geofeed references from
>    multiple inetnum: objects.
> While the text in §5 doesn’t actually give the lie to this quote (since I can
> read it as “if an unsigned geofeed CSV file…”) it does seem like the document
> is pulling in two different directions.
> At the very least, if there is a requirement that only a single signature be
> present in a geofeed file, can you say that explicitly in §4?


> 5. Section 5:
>    An entity fetching geofeed data using these mechanisms MUST NOT do
>    frequent real-time look-ups to prevent load on RPSL and geofeed
>    servers.  [RFC8805] Section 3.4 suggests use of the [RFC7234] HTTP
> Nit: I think you need a comma between “look-ups” and “to”. Or re-word as “To
> prevent undue load on RPSL and geofeed servers, an entity fetching geofeed 
> data
> using these mechanisms MUST NOT do frequent real-time look-ups.” (I also added
> “undue” because of course every transaction induces SOME load.)

thanks for text

> 6. General Comment:
> While I notice some reviewers have expressed discomfort with the occasional
> lighthearted use of language (“fetching with tweezers”, etc), I found that it
> made the document more fun to read without hindering clarity in the slightest.
> In short, it made it a better spec. Thank you.

i figured if i gave on the tweezers, which was probably a bit too
colloquial, maybe others would give on the utterly awesome.  maybe we
need a 2119 for anti self-impressed stuffiness?

i am about to push -11.  check diff if you have the time.  right now i
am panicked that i can not find that i sent the reply to roman i had
composed about his comments other than authentication.  but i think i
did incorporate them, and even put him in the ack list.


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