Hi -

On 2022-02-28 10:45 AM, Jürgen Schönwälder wrote:

I assume it is fear of all of that, whether this is justified or not
can be debated. Frankly, we used a protocol registry because it was
handy and we likely did not like a proliferation of registries. In
hindsight, we would have been better off creating our own.

Perhaps, though that would have brought its own coordination problems.

Does it make sense to republish an entire MIB module to just change
the registry location? Ideally this would not be required and we would
simply publish a document updating RFC 6353 and defining the new
registry (and even more so given that no registry content change is

I agree with your analysis that, while a bit of a stretch, an update
to the DESCRIPTION seems like the right thing to do to placate the
TLS folks, since it would not affect the bits on the wire nor, as far
as I can see, what implementations do internally.  My questions were
based in my skepticism with regard to to the stance that *any* MIB
module changes would really be technically (rather than politically)



On Mon, Feb 28, 2022 at 10:24:53AM -0800, Randy Presuhn wrote:
Hi -

On 2022-02-28 6:28 AM, Kenneth Vaughn wrote:
To OPSAWG, especially MIB doctors and SNMP-experts:

We have contacted the TLS community about potentially allowing for the
continued use and maintenance of the IANA TLS HashAlgorithm Registry
(RFC 5246) in the update to RFC 6353 so that we do not have to redefine
its fingerprint algorithm. The TLS community expressed a valid concern
that if the registry is maintained by adding new values, it would imply
that those new values could be used within TLS 1.2; thus our proposal to
continue to reference the existing table was not accepted.

I don't understand the fear here.  Are they worried that:

    - someone would misconstrue additions to the IANA TLS HashAlgorithm
      Registry as somehow *requiring* TLS 1.2 implementations to be
      updated, even though they've been "designated obsolete"?

    - that despite TLS 1.2 having been "designated obsolete", folks
      maintaining those implementations would take it upon themselves
      to add support for later additions to the IANA TLS HashAlgorithm

    - that there might be a proliferation of TLS 1.2 deployments that
      attempt to use the additions to the IANA TLS HashAlgorithm
      Registry, despite TLS 1.2 having been "designated obsolete"?

    - that the possibility of adding these algorithms might somehow
      prolong the lifetime of existing TLS 1.2 deployments or even
      lead to new ones, despite it having been "designated obsolete"?

    - something else?


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