On Jun 29, 2022, at 2:26 PM, heasley <h...@shrubbery.net> wrote:
> We have received no comments about this draft, which I presume means no
> technical objections exist.  So, I would like to ask the Chairs for an
> adoption call.

  I would suggest that ~3 weeks is a little too short a time frame to claim 
that there are no objections.   I'll point to the previous TACACS+ document, 
where there were multiple reviews which got addressed by the authors many 
months later.

  I'll also point to my earlier review of draft-dahm-tacacs-tls13-00.txt, where 
I had concerns with extending the 1990s style TACACS+ packet format.  The same 
concerns apply here.

  If we're going to extend TACACS+ by adding major new features, I would 
suggest that it's a priority to design these features correctly, the first 
time.  Experience shows that it is extremely difficult to extend fixed-field 
packet formats.  It's almost always better to use an extensible format, as with 
DHCPv4, DHCPv4, DNS options, YANG, RADIUS, Diameter, etc.

  Using a format with fixed fields now makes it more difficult to extend 
TACACS+ in the future.  There will just be one complex format added after 
another.  The alternative is instead to define an extensible format, in which 
case new extensions become trivial.

  Alan DeKok.

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